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  • Writer's pictureJesse Kressin

'Twas the Night Before Training Camp

Updated: Jul 27, 2022

'Twas the night before training camp, when all through the Packers training lair,

Not a creature was stirring, not even a Green Bay Packers player.

Equipment and practice jerseys were hung in lockers with care,

In the hopes that all of the players soon would be there.

The fans were nestled in their hotel and AirBnB beds,

While visions of players showing out at practice danced in their heads.

Hardcore fans in jerseys and young children with their bikes,

Had just arrived to watch their favorite QB throw strikes.

When out in the parking lot there arose such a clatter,

Heads turned to see what was the matter.

To the fence many kids hurriedly ran over,

While other fans were still in their beds hungover.

The sun glistening on every car window,

Gave a luster of mid-day to objects below.

When what to any wondering eyes should appear,

But a gaggle of fans throwing out a cheer.

With a loud cheer and a huddle of players galore,

Well I knew in a moment, it must be Coach LaFleur.

More rapid than eagles, his players they came,

And he clapped and he shouted and he called them by name.

"Now, Watkins! Now, Tonyan! Now Dillon and Runyan!

On, Gary! On, Alexander! On, Smith and Aaron Rodgers!

To the top of the roster, to the bottom of the roster,

Now you could not find a single imposter!

As fierce as they could be before opposing players,

When they meet to an obstacle silence the nay-sayers.

So down to the "Gold Zone" they flew,

With a running LaFleur along the sideline, too.

And then in a twinkling, I heard in the stands,

The hooting, the hollering of all of the fans.

As I realized what happened and was turning around,

Aaron Rodgers was donned with a large, imaginary crown.

He was dressed in a number 12 red practice jersey,

And to his defenses' surprise, his subtle smirk showed no mercy.

A "Discount Double-Check" he gave,

And to the fans in attendance, a big wave.

His eyes, how they twinkled, his dimples, how merry,

His feet (not lesioned), his arm tatted (very).

His hair on his head was drawn up in a man bun,

And the beard on his chin showed that he has fun.

The reigning MVP of the league, now 4 times,

Slowing down? He shows no signs!

Though the receiving core is almost brand new,

He still says to the Bears "I own you!"

He is a natural and gifted passer, a generational quarterback,

And one who signed a four-year extension with the Pack.

A wink of his eye and a smirk on his face,

Soon he would be destroying every team, leaving no trace.

He spoke not a word but wouldn't let you forget,

As he turned and threw the ball straight through the net.

And flipping his wrist in the easiest of way,

Is the best way to make the opposing defense pay.

He sprang into the "Gold Zone", and to his team gave a dapping,

And all of the fans, they were clapping!

But I heard him exclaim as he drove his "Aston Martin" with Bakhtiari in tow,

A rather loud and uproarious "Go Pack, Go!"

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